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Sara @ Appado Kids

Quick hello from a tired but happy app creator

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

There is always a small sigh of relief when I see this little message in the App Store: “Waiting for review”. It means “nearly there”!

Nampa Town is my seventh Nampa app and it is finally launching on Thursday 25th of March. Creating an app takes always months of work, I started not long after Nampa’s last release in March 2020 (I don’t do this full time, I still earn my living elsewhere).

But despite the fact that many of my evenings have been spent working I simply love doing this. Creating ideas, drawing initial sketches on paper, diving into the colourful graphics, seeing my kids beta-test the app for the first time. Who wouldn’t love that?

Nampa Design is essentially me, a company of one. I work with a fantastic developer partner who does the actual programming of the app but all the rest is done by me. And there are more kids app companies like Nampa Design, working with small teams and limited finances but still creating some serious magic.

It is all these kids app champions that we want to lift with Appado as the apps they create deserve to be seen. And also – these companies are worth supporting, paying for the download makes it possible to create more quality kids apps, without advertising and questionable content. Best possible digital play for your kids in other words.

Below you can see the trailer for Nampa Town. Hope you enjoy the app as much as I enjoyed creating it!

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Apr 17, 2021

We really like Nampa!

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